ChemBliss - OPV - Over Print varnish

Oil varnishes for overprinting are an important element in the world of high-quality printing and the variety of designs that enhance the perception of the printed image by solid or selective varnishing, with a matt or glossy effect.

These varnishes also provide additional protection for the printed image during folding, cutting and sewing, as well as during transportation and customer use.

Bliss gloss varnishes are suitable for finishing magazines, annual reports and brochures where high gloss, high abrasion resistance and high optical transparency are required.

Matte varnishes, due to their stable, high-quality components and excellent matte effect are ideal for creating a soft feel to the printed image and making small type in a brochure or booklet easier to read.

The satin varnish sealer has a beautiful medium-gloss glossy effect, quickly and easily giving the print a very attractive appearance.

The Bliss range of varnishes gives the printer high quality, consistency and reliability.

Category: Varnishes and auxiliary materials

Brand: ChemBliss

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